SQL Querying Fundamentals
Delivered by housing experts who are passionate about what data can deliver for the sector.
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SQL Querying Fundamentals
Social Landlords are seeking more effective methods to analyse their data to enhance decision-making and provide deeper insights. SQL (Structured Query Language) lets you access and manipulate databases, it is a popular language used across all types of applications.
This one-day course (delivered over two half days) is aimed at those with no experience of SQL and reporting. The course will cover the components of SQL Querying and provide you with the knowledge to understand how to query multiple tables, set operators and subqueries.
To book your place visit our events page.
For more information about our data training courses, please contact imogen.fowler@housemark.co.uk.
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Our expert partners are here to provide support to boost your in-house capabilities. By presenting data in a clear way, we’ll show you what the numbers mean to your customers, your people, and your business.
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