Data Comparison & Analysis

On time, in context, and evidence-based, we reveal insights you can’t uncover alone; informing decisions that drive efficiency and improve performance.

Book a discovery call

We know that having access to on time data is essential to making the right decisions, at the right time.

As you wrestle with big decisions and competing priorities, you need insight you can trust from a partner you can trust. We’re here to give you greater confidence to make decisions that make a difference – for your customers, for your people, and for your business.


Data comparison and analysis products and services

Sector analysis

Stay connected to sector trends with our range of on-time reports and interactive tools. From monthly ‘of the moment’ analysis, through to valuable public data dashboards, access to our unrivalled insight ensures you keep pace with sector performance.

Tailored comparisons

Take a deep dive into your data to explore what’s driving your organisation’s performance and productivity. By gathering insight on time from across all areas of your business, and your market, we put your performance and costs into context.


See the future in focus with Housemark. Combining our knowledge of the housing sector, unrivalled datasets, and operating context access projections and predictions that give you the confidence to make decisions for the future.

Woman using an ipad

Making it easy to access insight

Our easy to use data products and services are the most comprehensive on the market. Combining sector sentiment, best practice and trend analysis, we’ll deliver high level insights and forecasts to give you the confidence to make in year decisions about the future of your business.

Redefining what’s possible

By gathering on time insight from across all areas of your business, and your market, we show you what is possible, how you could be performing, and how you could make it happen. Together, we’ll make sure you always know where you stand.

Why Housemark?


Analysis turned around within 20 days of data entry. Making sure you can access of the moment insight, on time, every month.


Attendees across all of our events in 2020.


Hundreds of datasets collected every year – making us the leading data analysis company for the UK housing sector.

“Housemark provides us with business insight and comparisons which allow us to understand and express our value for money offer. With Housemark, we have the confidence we need to make insight-driven decisions.”

Adam Waller Governance and Business Assurance Manager, Cheltenham Borough Homes

“Ultimately, our Housemark subscription has driven performance improvement across several areas. Having bespoke support across a range of projects has been very helpful. We’ve bought into Housemark at all levels, and this cascades down throughout the organisation – data is now part of our culture.”

Anita Wright Head of Analytics and Insight, Onward Homes

“Housemark subscription has supported our organisation to perform more effectively in many ways, from having access to on-time data via Monthly Pulse, to being able to benchmark against our peers and the wider sector, so we know how we’re performing and where we need to improve. I’d recommend Housemark to housing associations wanting to fully embed data insight and analysis into their operations.”

Keiron Montague Executive Director of Communities, Trivallis

“We gain an enormous amount of value from our Housemark subscription. Having access to the latest on-time sector data and trends as well as the ability to benchmark our performance against peers is incredibly valuable, particularly in the current unpredictable and challenging operating environment. Housemark’s support and expert advice gives us the confidence and evidence we need to make the right decisions.”

Dan Blake Executive Director – Customer Experience, Berwickshire Housing Association

We’re reimagining social housing together

  • Logo of Aberdeenshire Council
  • logo of Solihull Community Housing
  • Logo of Aster Group
  • Logo of the Northern Ireland Housing Executive
  • Logo of Leeds City Council
  • Logo of Home Group

Work with Housemark

Our expert partners are here to provide support to boost your in-house capabilities. By presenting data in a clear way, we’ll show you what the numbers mean to your customers, your people, and your business.

Contact us